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MOF and OPEC Fund sign loan agreement on Lanzhou vocational education project

May 24, 2023 |Print |Mail |Large    Medium    Small
On May 24, 2023, on behalf of the Ministry of Finance (MOF) of China, Chinese Ambassador to Austria Qi Mei signed a loan agreement with the OPEC Fund for International Development (OPEC Fund) on the project to construct the Lanzhou New District Campus of the Gansu Vocational and Technical College of Communications (the College).
The project components include a multipurpose building and a vocational training center.
The total investment for the project amounts to 148.71 million yuan ($20.9 million), with a loan of $20 million from the OPEC Fund. The loan has a term of 20 years, including a grace period of five years.

Upon completion, the project will help the College in improving its teaching quality, better meeting the requirement of modern vocational education and cultivating more professional talents.