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China-France seminar on energy transition held in Beijing

July 10,2023 |Print |Mail |Large    Medium    Small
China’s Ministry of Finance (MOF) and National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) as well as the French Development Agency (AFD) jointly held a seminar themed on "Energy Transition: AFD's Experience in China and Opportunities for Future Cooperation" in Beijing on July 10. 
Representatives of the MOF, the NDRC and the AFD attended and addressed the seminar. Chinese and French experts and scholars, representatives from enterprises and project units in the field of energy, as well as relevant officials from China’s provincial finance departments and development and reform commissions also attended the meeting. 
The attendees exchanged views on such topics as development concepts, advanced technology and management experience related to energy transition, and shared their insights on promoting energy transition and enhancing China-France loan cooperation. 
China and France have conducted fruitful loan cooperation over the past nearly 20 years since the cooperation began in 2004. To date, the AFD has provided about 2 billion euros in loan support for 44 projects in China in such fields as climate change response, biodiversity conservation, environmental treatment and ecological protection. 
Among them, 15 projects were in the energy field, including the demonstration project of energy-saving in public buildings in Wuhan, Hubei province, the biomass cogeneration project in Pianguan county, Shanxi province, and the construction of district heating and cooling project based on sewage source heat pump in Jinan, Shandong province. 
These projects have effectively provided support in such fields as hydro and wind power, the energy efficiency of buildings, central heating, and biomass energy, making positive contribution to promoting high-quality development and improving people’s livelihoods.